Why Sitting is Taking Years Off Your Life… 4 Tips To Combat This!

Want to know why sitting is taking years off your life?  Read on to find out… I wanted to share a question that was recently asked by one of our amazing clients, Josh, who’s 48 years old from Del Mar, California. Now Josh asked me, “I recently read an article that says, ‘Americans are spending…

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Why Does Cracking or Popping My Back Initially Relieve My Pain?… But It Doesn’t Last!

Cracking Your Back

I would like to share a question a current client asked me about “cracking” or “popping” her back”.  It’s a question I get asked quite often so I wanted to share with you. “I have recently gotten into the habit of cracking my back whenever I feel muscle stiffness or back pain.  The reason I…

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My Doctor Told Me to Rest My Back, But I Just Want to Be Active Again… Help!

Doctor Resting Back

If you have ever thought, “I’ve just been told to rest my back… And I just want to be active again,” then this article is especially for you.

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Why Does My Back Hurt After a Round of Golf?

Back hurts after a round of golf

Why Does My Back Hurt After a Round of Golf? “Why is it my low back hurts after I get done playing a round of golf?” This was a question we recently got asked… Let’s first talk about the sport itself. Golf… It’s a rotational sport. We rotate through the trunk from the hips, all…

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Exercising After Having A Baby… When Is It Safe To Start?

Tiny babies feet

Exercising After Having A Baby… When Is It Safe To Start? I wanted to tell you about a common question that I got asked four times in the last two weeks… as most of these women were about three months after having their baby, some were sooner, and they want to know, “When is it…

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Why Does My Shoulder Only Hurt When I Move My Arm, But Feels Fine At My Side?

Shoulder pain

  Why Does My Shoulder Only Hurt When I Move My Arm… But Feels Fine At My Side?… This is one of the most common shoulder questions we get asked in the clinic. This week I had a question asked by one of our clients Brooke, 49, from Encinitas, who asked… “For the past several…

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3 Secrets to Eliminate Neck and Shoulder Pain

Neck and shoulder pain

Neck and shoulder pain are never any fun! In fact, it is the 8th leading cause for disability in the United States and 4th in the world. If the head is not held in the correct postural position, then it exerts about 3.6 times more force than it takes to stand upright with good posture.…

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Is It Safe To Exercise With A Bad Back?

Exercise With Back Pain

  Want to know if it is safe to exercise with a bad back? This week I had a question asked by one of our amazing clients, Rob, 51, from Carlsbad… And it’s one that we get asked often! It went something like this… “This past weekend I was skating and I hurt my back. It…

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What is Diastasis Recti & Did Your Doctor Recommend Surgery?

Diastasis recti and exercise

DIASTASIS RECTI Diastasis Recti often occurs during pregnancy when the growing baby stretches the abdominal muscles and tissues. Some women’s abdominal area heals on its own after the baby is born, but approximately 33% of women’s don’t heal completely postpartum by 6-8 weeks. So is your belly pooch because of diastasis or is there another…

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Sciatica: How Physical Therapy Can Help


Sciatica… Or Sciatic nerve irritation… Or pain down your leg that comes from your back. At LEVEL4 PT & Wellness, it is not unusual for us to hear of people complaining of either pain or numbness while protecting their back. Medical doctors often suggest physical therapy and stretching to help relieve the incredible pain of…

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