The Discovery Session

The "Figure Out What Is Going On" Session

When it comes to our health, we often wait until it is too late... and we regret it later.  When faced with making a decision, humans behavior makes us afraid of making the wrong one.  Which is why many people chose to wait or do nothing.  This is why we came up with the "discovery session" so you can get over this hurdle to get on with your life.  Here are some common questions we hear all the time:

Why am I hurting?

How do I fix it?

Can I be pain free?

Is something torn?

Do I need surgery?

Why has everything I've tried not worked?

Why isn't it getting better?

Can I get back to how I was before?

What options do I have?

Schedule a"no pressure" discovery session to see if you feel we're the right fit for you, and to get expert advice so you can make the best informed and logical decision for your health. We will help you finally get some clear answers and discuss the best solutions available to you, even if it's not with us. We understand that find quality care is a challenge... that's why the first session is always on us. Hurry!

Apply For A Discovery Session

If you don't fix your pain, what is it going to cost you 2-5 years from now?

Can we help you by listening to your needs and give you advice?

Talk To A Therapist On The Phone
Inquire About Cost & Availability