
We Help You Heal Your Body From Uncomfortable Symptoms After a Hysterectomy... So You Can Feel Confident in Your Body Again!

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Note: This Free Discovery Session is something that we offer to people who are very nervous or skeptical about Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, they are unsure of its benefits or if they don't know if it's right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free discovery session so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done. This is a great way to start without any financial risk on your part.

Easing Uncomfortable Symptoms After Hysterectomy Naturally

If you underwent a hysterectomy and are concerned about some of the symptoms you are experiencing, just know you are not alone. Some of the most common symptoms that may have not been explained by your doctor before may be pain with intimacy, bowel or bladder changes, pelvic pain, scar tissue formation, or abdominal pain. It is not uncommon for people to think "If I ignore this, it will go away on it's own." It can be very common that the symptoms you are having were difficult for your doctor to figure out, as many times women are told to just wait, keep resting, or go work on “Kegel exercises” 100 times a day.

Many women think, “I thought I would fully recover after 6 weeks” And that the pain you are experiencing is something you must live with...and that is just what happens after this surgery. Maybe you have been resting and taking it easy, but your symptoms are just not getting any better after 8 weeks post op. If it threatens your relationship with your partner, or it gets in the way of feeling like yourself, we understand this, we hear it all the time from other women just like you!

Symptoms After a Hysterectomy

Symptoms vary after a hysterectomy, but for many women the hormone changes that are experienced,

Can include mood swings, vaginal dryness and thinning, incontinence or loss of bladder control, low libido and pain with sex. The extent to which a woman will experience these symptoms varies and depends largely on which organs were removed as well as your lifestyle and condition of you pelvic floor muscles prior to surgery.

A Hysterectomy is Major Surgery

A hysterectomy is major surgery. Healing time takes at least 8 weeks, and you will find it difficult to do simple things around the house. Your abdominal or pelvic muscles will be extremely weak and incisions will be sore and painful. It is important to give yourself time and nourishment to promote healing. Guidance on how to begin moving and getting back to normal routines and activity is imperative in a successful surgery and recovery.

If any of these describes you, we want you to know that you are not alone... And we hear our clients talk about these "feelings" and "thoughts" all the time. In fact, uncomfortable symptoms after a Hysterectomy are so common and many times your doctor will never recommend consulting with a pelvic floor specialist, but we see so many women just like you in our physical therapy clinic in Encinitas and they all want the same thing!

And when it comes to living with uncomfortable symptoms after a hysterectomy, everybody we see wants to know...

"Why is This Happening to Me?"


"Why Am I Still Suffering With Pain or Weakness Following a Hysterectomy After Putting Up With It For Weeks or Months!"...

Most people think that when they have Pelvic Pain or Bladder problems, it’s simply going to go away on it’s own. The hope is that they may wake up and the pain or strange symptoms will have disappeared, almost like it had never even occurred.

But then the pelvic pain returns and the same "hope" you had before to magically drive it away does not happen. Several months later you're still living with it, which often gets worse than it was before.

Does That Sound Like You?

Another scenario that we see quite frequently in our Women’s Health Physical Therapy Clinic is when people go to the Doctor, and the Doctor tells them to just rest and “try this medication”... and “let's see how it goes". Does that sound familiar?

But wait... it gets even better! This approach rarely offers significant positive outcomes and after 6 weeks, you return to the Doctor because so little change has occurred. Now, the Doctor may refill your prescription medication or tell you “it takes time” or “just do your Kegel exercises”. Remember, they did not do much in the past.

The irony really is, that the "wait and see" approach to treating symptoms after hysterectomy are highly ineffective. It often causes more frustration because the passive approach does not work for most people.

It's madness... and even borderline insanity (that we keep doing things the same way and expecting a different result each time). This can even explain why so many women are suffering with chronic internal pelvic pain, scar tissue build up, or bladder/bowel problems after a hysterectomy that never get solved.

Do You Feel That Way Too?

If You’re Currently Living With Uncomfortable Symptoms After a Hysterectomy, Here’s Just 8 More Reasons Why it Could be Lasting Longer Than it Should be:

  • You’ve got pelvic or abdominal pain and have been told by your doctor that what you’ve got is “to just rest” or “do your Kegel exercises” or “take this medication and it will go away”.
  • You’ve been resting for more than 8 weeks, but still feel like you are not ready to resume intercourse or exercise activities.
  • You have pain with intercourse.
  • You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or another practitioner in the past, who have so far FAILED to address your problem and are frustrated that it is not going away.
  • You’ve had NOTHING like specific Manual techniques with an individualized approach by another PT (The best techniques that would bring a huge reduction in your pain levels).
  • You continue to suffer and are unable to live a normal life without pain. And there are a number of ways I’m going to be able to help you.
  • You tried Googling “Hysterectomy Recovery" and have used YouTube videos to do exercises but they either didn’t do a thing, or perhaps made your pain much worse.
  • You thought it would be a good idea to just stop the activities (like intimate relations) for the mean time until your symptoms improved.

If any of these have ever happened to you, we would love to help you and invite you to book in a call to talk with one of our pelvic floor specialists at our Encinitas Physical Therapy Clinic to find out what can be done to help your specific problem.

And here is some good news for you...

Because you may have tried any or all of the things we list above, it is actually a GOOD THING. The good thing is that we will be able to determine what doesn’t work... making you closer to finding the thing that does!

Click the link below to schedule a call with us... If you would like to get some really helpful advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complementary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for your health.

Talk To A Specialist On The Phone »Click Here

“What Can I Do To Get Rid Of my Symptoms after Hysterectomy Quickly?”...

Well, here's 4 things you can do:

  • 1. First things first, you need to make a decision about getting proper help. So many people procrastinate for so long, thinking that pelvic or abdominal pain (or bowel/bladder issue) will "just go away with time," but then 6 months down the line they’re still putting up with it. Or nothing has really changed… Or it gets worse.
  • 2. Next, you need to do the RIGHT exercises. One of the best things that we do to help you ease your pain or discomfort is to do the right SERIES of progressed exercises. The right exercises given to you by a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist will help ease pain, and allow you to quickly move more freely again. We make sure that the problems don’t come back anytime soon or aggravate your pain anymore, like some exercises will do. How does that sound?
  • 3. You will want to avoid sitting and long periods of time. The irony is that rest is usually the worst thing that you can do for your pain or discomfort.
  • It would really help if you were given the appropriate strengthening exercises for improving your posture, combined with the appropriate hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible as you may have instability in your joints from the change in posture and hormones, needing the guidance of a PT with the proper treatment strategy. You need to get​ some real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy treatment. Physical Therapy is proven to help people with pelvic pain. If it threatens your relationship with your partner, or it gets in the way of feeling like yourself, we understand this, we hear it all the time from other women just like you! Pelvic Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how the Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists at LEVEL4 in Encinitas can help you live with less pain and side effects after a hysterectomy, then we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free appointment at our clinic:

So the next question is...

“How Can Choosing to See a Pelvic Floor Specialist at LEVEL4 Help You Naturally Recover Faster After Hysterecomy... In The Next Few Days?”

Here’s just a few of the things our Pelvic Floor Specialist Team can do for you:

  • We will thoroughly evaluate ​your post op symptoms - often inside 20 minutes and determine the best plan of action.
  • We can quickly take away the pain, usually inside a couple of sessions and address the problem, unlike other treatments you have been given.
  • We will ensure that your problem is addressed and “corrected” so you can heal properly. Then, we will provide you with the perfect set of exercises and/or stretches that will speed up your recovery.
  • We can help you put an end to needing to take all of those prescription medications that are no good for your health long-term.
  • We can help you avoid taking time off from doing the things you love and need to do for your family.
  • We can help you keep out of the Doctor’s office or from making repeat visits only to be given more pills...or solutions that you don’t believe in!
  • We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that pelvic pain has stolen from you.!
  • We can help you to finally feel confident that this problem will be eased and not affect your life anymore!

Basically, we can help you get back to living life free from the any worry that your surgery has not gone the way you thought it would.

Talk To A Specialist On The Phone »Click Here

Symptoms After Hysterectomy Physical Therapy Tips Guide

“5 Things Your Surgeon May Not Tell You About Recovery After a Hysterectomy”

So You Can Feel Like Yourself Again!

Yours Free From San Diego’s Leading Pelvic Floor Expert.

Get Your Hysterectomy Recovery GuideClick Here »

And Here’s What Some Other People Think About Pelvic Floor Specialist Help (...And Advice) They Got From Dr. Dawn…

"I suffered for 7 months before Dr. Dawn was recommended to me – I felt better instantly just from knowing that someone actually knew and understood what I was going through."

Sarah 29, Encinitas, CA

"I went to another PT clinic which didn’t help me at all and it was my co-worker who started asking around and we got recommended to see Dr. Dawn…she and the whole team are great and she helped me get over my symptoms after my hysterectomy. Thank you."

Tonya 43, Carlsbad, CA

"My problem with incontinence started after my first child – and only got worse after my second son was born. The doctor told me it would just go away, but that didn’t happen. I was recommended to see Dr. Dawn by someone at work and I told her my priority was to be able to run and workout without feeling embarrassed. I achieved that and now I’m feeling much better than I ever thought possible."  Thank you Dr. Dawn so very much!"

Brenda 36, Vista, CA

"Dr. Dawn takes the time to actually show you how to do each exercise correctly. I always get the feeling that she cares enough to have thought about all of the exercises she gives you… and that makes you feel more confident and sure that they are going to make a difference like you'd hope."

Connie 42, Del Mar, CA

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