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Category Archives: Sciatica

These blog posts are related to “sciatica”.

8 Tips On How To Avoid Back Pain When Traveling

Traveling with back pain

If 80% of the American population experiences back pain at some point in their life, how many do you think are traveling with back pain? Americans travel a lot each year. Nearly 45% of all Americans step on to planes each year to prepare for either business, pleasure, or non-leisure travel. That breaks out to…

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Why These 5 Easy Tips Help Avoid Low Back Pain And Keep You From Feeling Like The Left-Out Grandparent

Left Out Grandparent

Your grandchildren are simultaneously your greatest joy and greatest sorrow. I often hear “I have low back pain… what should I do?” Or “how do I fix a lower back strain?” Or even, “What can I do to avoid low back pain in the future?”  When I ask what happened to cause this pain, many…

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7 Best Core Exercises (You’re NOT Doing)…


7 Best Core Exercises (You’re NOT Doing)… What Are The Best Core Exercises? … to Strengthen Your Back, Prevent Lower Back Pain and Keep a Healthy and Happy Spine for Life If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their…

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Why Sitting is Taking Years Off Your Life… 4 Tips To Combat This!

Want to know why sitting is taking years off your life?  Read on to find out… https://youtu.be/fxC9wTb3i9k I wanted to share a question that was recently asked by one of our amazing clients, Josh, who’s 48 years old from Del Mar, California. Now Josh asked me, “I recently read an article that says, ‘Americans are…

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My Doctor Told Me to Rest My Back, But I Just Want to Be Active Again… Help!

Doctor Resting Back

If you have ever thought, “I’ve just been told to rest my back… And I just want to be active again,” then this article is especially for you. https://youtu.be/_U0uoIC18Hk

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Sciatica: How Physical Therapy Can Help


Sciatica… Or Sciatic nerve irritation… Or pain down your leg that comes from your back. At LEVEL4 PT & Wellness, it is not unusual for us to hear of people complaining of either pain or numbness while protecting their back. Medical doctors often suggest physical therapy and stretching to help relieve the incredible pain of…

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7 Reasons Why Your Back Pain Returns

Back pain returns

Over 80% of people just like you will experience low back pain (LBP) at some point in their lives.  Unfortunately for many people, low back pain returns and becomes a recurrent condition.  In part, they think that once the pain goes away, they consider themselves healed… and then a few months later; WHAMOO! It comes back –…

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5 Amazing Places to See In San Diego… If You Didn’t Have Back Pain

San DIego

Want to know 5 amazing places to see in San Diego… When you don’t have low back pain? Low back pain can be a particularly trying condition and unfortunately affects roughly 80% of Americans at some point in their lifetime. The good thing is that most people will have a resolution of their pain within…

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3 Secrets To Relieve Back Pain… AND What You Did Not Know About Your Warm-Up

Back Pain and Dynamic warm-up

One of the mistakes we often see in the clinic is that people come to us after struggling with their back injury for weeks, months and even sometimes years, is with their warm-up (or lack of it). As you get older, your tissues change and require more time to prepare for activity. And when we…

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