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Category Archives: Physical Therapy

These blog posts are related to “physical therapy,” also called “physio” or “physiotherapy” in the rest of the world. Inside this section, we discuss quick self assessments and screens, provide useful information about common issues related to what physical therapy can do for you, and what you can do to get you back out there doing what you love.  Whether you are just looking for information, a real solution to fix your problem, or speciality care for you, then team at Level4 Physio-Wellness-Performance will be able to assist you.  We start with providing valuable and useful information to help you make the best decision about what the next step will be.  In some cases, just getting the right information puts you on the right path to a solution.  In most cases, however, getting on the phone with one of our specialists gives you the opportunity to discuss your specific problem, ask your questions to get the right answers, and then determine what you should do next.  From there, you start to get the answers about what is going on and move forward to an thorough evaluation with your input on what you want to achieve.  Then your plan of care can start, getting you back to doing the things you love!

How Your One Daily Habit May Be Making Your Sciatica Pain Worse (And How To Ease It…)!

Do you know the one daily habit that may be making your sciatica pain worse? Lately, we’ve had an increase of clients coming in for treatment with complaints of reoccurring sciatic pain. And this week I wanted to share with you a conversation I had with one of our amazing clients, Mary, 49 from Carlsbad,…

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Why Modifying Your Ab Workout With Diastasis Recti Is Not The Answer

One of the most common issues I see in my practice of treating women after pregnancy is diastasis recti (or abdominal separation).  This is a lot more common than people think.  Almost 100% of women have this condition during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.  Many times, especially after multiple pregnancies, the separation does not close…

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Why Is It My Shoulder Hurts Only With Movement … But Feels Fine At My Side? [Updated]

We originally wrote this article way back in July 2017 about why you might have a situation where your shoulder hurts only with movement.  It really resonated with a lot of people. There were so many people who came to our website because of this article. Even today, everyone wants to know why their shoulder…

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5 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game [Updated]

keep back pain away from your golf game

In June 2017, I wrote this post about the 3 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game. Over the last year, we have helped hundreds of golfers get back to playing the game they love so dearly. Additionally, through our conversations and evaluations, we have determined 2 new areas that we really…

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Do All The Things You Want To Do And Love Again

Love the Things You Love to Do

Not sure if you’ll ever be able to do all the things you want to do and love again? When you’ve been suffering with lifestyle limiting pain for a long time, it’s only natural to feel down. Maybe you haven’t seen anyone for this issue before and don’t know where to begin, or maybe you…

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Live Free From Painkillers

Let’s connect the dots and get you the clarity you’ve been looking for. Do you want to live free from painkillers? Living while taking painkillers for a long period of time is not real living. Experts say the United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, with more than two million of Americans have…

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Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option… And The Decision Shouldn’t Just Lie With The Surgeon

surgery may not always be your best option

Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option More than 15 million Americans undergo surgery each year, but there’s growing recognition that some elective operations may be more about the surgeon’s preference than about the patient’s need for the procedure, meaning surgery may not always be your best option. Never choose surgery without exploring nonsurgical options…

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Knee Pain – 4 Things You Could Be Doing to Make It Worse

Knee Pain – 4 Things You Could Be Doing to Make It Worse

Are you or somebody you know experiencing chronic, daily, annoying knee pain lately? You know, the sudden knee pain that ruins your quality of life. It hurts every time when bending, squatting, walking or having to go up and down the stairs, aches when you sit or even try to exercise, and just generally leaves you feeling…

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Why You Shouldn’t Let Bulging Disc at L4-L5 and S1 on Your MRI Scare You? – What You Can Do Instead of Taking Painkillers and Avoid Risky Surgery!

Bulging Disc on MRI

This week I wanted to answer a common question we get asked quite regularly by our clients at LEVEL4 PT & Pilates: “Dr. Andalon… my name is Casey, I’m 41 and I was recently diagnosed by my primary doctor with having L4-L5 and L5-S1 bulging discs following an MRI scan. I’ve now suffered with chronic…

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Why Helping This Client Prove His Medical Doctor Wrong… Kept Him From Having Risky Surgery and Continue Living In His Own Home

Man Hiking with Dog

Have you been told that you need to have a risky surgery?  Hear the story of a client who was told this, only to find relief with a natural, non-surgical solution that allowed him to stay active. I wanted to share a quick story with you about how we helped ease the frustration of one…

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