Why Are Falls So Dangerous for Seniors?

Why Are Falls So Dangerous for Seniors

What’s the largest cause of hospital admissions for older people? If the title of this article (“Why Are Falls So Dangerous for Seniors?”) didn’t give it away for you… you might guess that it’s the latest winter flu bug. But you’d be wrong – it’s a more everyday problem. One in 4 people aged 65+…

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Balance and Falls In People Aged 55+: 4 Common Myths

Balance and falls,

Balance and falls are a major public health concern for the growing aging population, especially if your 55+.  Every 19 minutes an older adult dies from a fall; every 13 seconds an older adult is treated in an emergency room for a fall-related injury.  Falls are costly and can cause older adults to lose their…

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Falls In The Elderly: 3 Common Causes

Did you know that falls in the elderly that lead to injury are more common than the number of strokes that occur in the United states each year? Last week we received a phone call from an older gentleman who was concerned about his wife’s balance and wanted to know why he was noticing that…

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5 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game [Updated]

keep back pain away from your golf game

In June 2017, I wrote this post about the 3 Secrets to Keep Back Pain Away From Your Golf Game. Over the last year, we have helped hundreds of golfers get back to playing the game they love so dearly. Additionally, through our conversations and evaluations, we have determined 2 new areas that we really…

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Do All The Things You Want To Do And Love Again

Love the Things You Love to Do

Not sure if you’ll ever be able to do all the things you want to do and love again? When you’ve been suffering with lifestyle limiting pain for a long time, it’s only natural to feel down. Maybe you haven’t seen anyone for this issue before and don’t know where to begin, or maybe you…

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Live Free From Painkillers

Let’s connect the dots and get you the clarity you’ve been looking for. Do you want to live free from painkillers? Living while taking painkillers for a long period of time is not real living. Experts say the United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, with more than two million of Americans have…

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Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option… And The Decision Shouldn’t Just Lie With The Surgeon

surgery may not always be your best option

Surgery May Not Always Be Your Best Option More than 15 million Americans undergo surgery each year, but there’s growing recognition that some elective operations may be more about the surgeon’s preference than about the patient’s need for the procedure, meaning surgery may not always be your best option. Never choose surgery without exploring nonsurgical options…

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Why Flexibility Can Slow Down Aging… Despite Your Age!

Flexibility Can Slow Down Aging

Did you know that having good flexibility can slow down aging… despite your age? Are you finding it difficult to sit on low couches, chairs, toilet or on the floor? Are you waking up every morning with a stiff back?  Are your shoulders beginning to round forward?? Is putting on your socks and shoes becoming…

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Knee Pain – 4 Things You Could Be Doing to Make It Worse

Knee Pain – 4 Things You Could Be Doing to Make It Worse

Are you or somebody you know experiencing chronic, daily, annoying knee pain lately? You know, the sudden knee pain that ruins your quality of life. It hurts every time when bending, squatting, walking or having to go up and down the stairs, aches when you sit or even try to exercise, and just generally leaves you feeling…

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Low Back Or Leg Pain Forcing You To Use The Golf Cart…Leaving You Feeling Old and Embarrassed

Golf cart because of low back or leg pain

To cart or not to cart? That is the golf question. Or a choice?  If you have ever found yourself considering this question because of low back or leg pain, then you may be experiencing a condition where the golf cart may feel better temporarily. This may make your problem worse in the long run…

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